Successful Mold Detoxification                 

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Helping Mold Exposure Victims Since 2009
                         Intelligent Mold Detoxification
                      Is Successful Mold Detoxification

         Common Sense is Instinct and Enough of it is Genius

Mold Detoxification from exposure to mold infested structures is a process.
The reason being, is that people in mold contaminated environments are exposed to many types of mold, just like most environmental reports indicate.

Mold exposure effects people differently. Your symptoms will be different from other peoples symptoms even coming from the same mold contaminated environment.

Several factors will dictate the severity of your symptoms and  the scope of any neurological damage,DNA damage, organ damage or tissue damage.

They are as follows:

  • What species of mold and environmental bacteria were you exposed to
  • Did you contract mycotoxin poisoning
  • Have the toxins moved into your bowels
  • Have the toxins moved into your brain
  • Have the toxins caused nerve damage
  • Have the toxins moved into your liver & Kidneys
  • Have the toxins moved into your muscles and joints
  • How many different types of toxins have you been exposed to that entered your body 


A different sent of factors will dictate how long you will have to be detoxing.

They are as follows:

  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your body weight vs. fat content
  • Your rate of metabolism 
  • The condition of your immune system
  • The length of your exposure
  • Whether you symptoms are only physical
  • Whether your symptoms are neurological 
  • How far the neurological damages have gone

The latest medical research has documented that mold spores, mold mycotoxins and mold fine particulates are the direct cause of adverse health conditions in the human body. What this means is that not only mold spores themselves can make you sick, but even the fragments of the mold spore casings or the mold spores shells carrying mold toxins inhaled, ingested or absorbed directly through the skin can lead to long lasting adverse health effects in human beings.

Mold Spores, Mycotoxins, Environmental Bacteria, and Yeast

Mold Fine Particulates are those particles according to the Environmental Protection Agency "EPA", Centers for Disease Control "CDC", and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health "NIOSH", are particles less than 2.5 microns in size. Various species of “pathogenic” (disease causing), fungi are known to produce spores at the one micron level or less. The shells, or casings of the mold spores actually break into pieces, turning into even smaller airborne fragments (Fine Particulates).Those fine particulate fragments contain proteins and toxins. When inhaled, or ingested those toxic fragments cause inflammation and disease within the human body. Thus, whether a mold spore is "Viable" (living), or "Non-viable" (not living) makes absolutely no difference when it comes to causing adverse health conditions in the human body. It was previously believed that only living mold spores could cause adverse health conditions in humans, this is false.

On a molecular level Mold Fine Particulates carrying toxins can be the same size or smaller than a molecule of gas, such as molecules of oxygen or carbon dioxide. When inhaled into the lungs these fine particulates due to their small size pass directly through the lung’s "Alveoli" (air sacs), and are absorbed directly into the blood stream. Because they are not bacteria, or a virus, the body’s immune system cannot respond properly to eradicate these solid particles as they would bacteria or viruses within the body. The only filtering mechanism left is the liver and kidneys. These Mold Fine Particulates mycotoxins, fungus and yeast accumulate and build up in various body tissues, over time leaching inflammatory proteins into the body, many times producing joint pain, muscle pain, fever, and chronic fatigue. 

Mold Fine Particulates are also responsible for "
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis" a disease in which a type of protein builds up in the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs, making breathing difficult.  Many times misdiagnosed as Asthma. This disorder generally affects people 30 - 50 years old and is seen in men more often than in women.


      Unintentional weight loss
      Chronic Fatigue
      Shortness of breath

Additional Symptoms

      Nervous disorders
      Brain fog
      Memory loss
      Skin rashes 
      Blurred vision

The Categories of Mold Exposure

      1.    Allergic Reaction


Many people will tell you “It’s just an allergy”. The fact remains people die every day from allergic reactions to foods, insect bites and prescription medications. There is no set amount of exposure limits for mold or mycotoxins in the "ppm" (parts per million) or "ppb" (parts per billion) that can trigger an asthmatic attack, or other severe medical reactions or conditions. The threshold where mold allergic reactions begin to take place will be different in every human being.


2.    Infectious Reaction


Toxic mold infection takes place when mold spores or mold particulates are inhaled or ingested. Mold spores can begin to colonize (grow) within the bodies of the exposure victim. This colonization usually takes place within the lungs, bowels and sinus cavities. Mold while growing in the human body produces a "bio-film which is extremely hard to get rid of. The Mold Detox Center's nasal spray eliminates the mold bio-film produced by fungus growing in the sinuses and addresses inflammation, fungal and bacterial growth.


3.    Toxicological Reaction


Toxicological exposure is the most misunderstood aspect of mold exposure because it can damage DNA and the nervous system. These toxic mold fine particulates can accumulate in the liver, kidneys, sinuses, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and in the brain. It has been documented that mold fine particulates are the cause of memory loss, lesions, bleeding on the frontal lobes of the brain and may be directly related to Dementia. 

 4.  Topical Exposure

Topical exposure is classified as the infection of the skin, hair, nails and eyes. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the skin generally cause scabs and / or lesions on the skin. Fungal infections of the nails cause growth deformities of the nails, with white and yellow discoloration. Fungal infections of the eyes have been known to cause blindness and many times result in the surgical removal of the infected eye.

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